Partners of Deck

To carry out our ideas all the way to your phone, we have not engaged the least of parties. May we introduce you:

Voogd & Voogd

Our 'ground control' that makes sure we keep both feet on earth. Voogd & Voogd handles the administration. This party is a rock in the business with over 100 years of experience in insurance. Deck works with Voogd & Voogd because, like us, they are nice and efficient. This is partly because they have a state-of-the-art ICT company that they continue to develop. A perfect match, therefore.

Risk carriers

We work with Nationale Nederlanden, a.s.r. , Rhion & Unigarant, among others. These wealthy risk carriers ensure that the big breakdown can be paid for. They have years of experience in carrying risks.


Deck can be taken out directly with us. In addition, the following parties recommend Deck to their customers as a solution for their day-to-day risks on their property: Knab Bank, Zorgkiezer, Huispedia, Viisi, Bijbouwe and Ik word zzp'er.